Thursday, April 26, 2007

Low Level Laser for Hernia Nucleus Pulposes (HNP)

May I introduce : mr Hamid Supriyanto
He is 53 years old, father of 5 children, 2 boys and 3 girls

Mr . Hamid's story:
Hospitalized due to very severe sciatic pain , after gardening.
Mr Hamid diagnose as Hernia Nucleus Pulposes (HNP) ; L 2,3,4 and 5. Refused to surgical approach.

Yes, Sir. Your problem is common to middle-age man, especially after strenuous activity. You did gardening, and pulled bushes . Your roentgens shows bulging at L2. 3.4 and 5. the pain radiated to your buttock, posterior thigh , and lateral calf. It follows the path of sciatic nerve .

Therapy began with totally bed rest due to your pain (vas almost 10). Modality TENS to reduce the spasm. But after almost 3 weeks, your pain still above 6, laser is the answer. First with transcutaneus approach, 30 minutes. The pain still annoying, although you could ambulation using lumbosacral corset and cane. It was comfort for your at 1 hours therapy .

So , I decided to used ILIB, given twice a week. The pain gone after the 4th ILIB, walking freely , erect , without cane, after 5th therapy, and your daily activity full recovery. (You do gardening and riding your motorcycle).

Although we are lying supine in bed, it is not free .
The load will be 100 % during upright position.


Yet laser is the main modality for your problem, but bed rest, TENS , and avoid weight using lumbosacral corset have the portion.

Along with laser ubi quinon , and neurotropic agent . Ubi quinon works at mitochondria as well as the laser. Neutropic agent for nerve healing conjunctions with laser.

Figure above demonstrates relative changes in L3 disk pressures in various position . Although in lying position, no weight free. In patient with HNP, lumbosacral orthose reduces or avoid weight , so no nerve impingement .

ILIB more forceful than transcutaneus. As the results, your pain reduced faster.


Unknown said...

Dear dr. Ibu Nury,

Thank you for posting this article. Now I have much better knowledge and visualization on what's happening to my vertebrae. I was in need for this information as I myself is suffering exactly the same problem that happenned to pak Hamid, only perhaps a little less severe. I still walk almost normally but I feel terribly painful in my buttock down to my inner left thigh when sitting or bending my body forward (membungkuk), and I am also feeling constant numbness in my outer right thigh.

I got aware that I suffer from mild HNP since about one and half years ago after doctor examination and lumbosacral Xrays, and the pain ceased after treatment with a combination of voltaren gel and glucosamine/chondroitin patches for a few weeks.

The present recurring pain was triggered after I did one-day motorbike touring and became very painful after I did "bertukang" where I sat and bent my back forward to paint a deck floor for over three hours. Of course only the day after I felt almost unbearable pain in my lower back.

I have visited my orthopedic doctor and she gave me medicines and exercise instructions but my problem is that my stomach is very sensitive to nsaid (profenid) that starts irritated after the first dosage.

Just this afternoon I got very vague words of laser treatment for HNP patient. My couriousity has led me to search the Net and eventualy found your article in your blog.

I am 59 and live in Jakarta. With such brief information on my condition, do you think I will be suitable for a laser treatment and where can I go to for that treatment?

Thank you so much. I enjoy your other articles as well.

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Anonymous said...

yth.dr,Nury,trimskasih sya sudah baca mengenai terapy laser unt,hnp,saya priyo waasito pasien hnp wijaya kusuma no.15,saya tanya untuk hnp saya apa mungkin digunakan terapy laser agar kembali semula,bgm procedurnya,umur saya 56 th,terimakasih,wassalam