Sunday, July 29, 2007

Low level Laser for Dysphoni

Mrs Ani, discharge from a hospital in Bogor following typhoid fever, hospitalized again due to aphonia.

Endoscopy of the larynx showed normal anatomy of the vocal cord , except aeshenia of both vocal cords.

ILIB conducted for three times. Immediatelly after the first laser irradiation, she could utter a sound. She spoke after the 2nd administered, and at the third she spoke normally !!!

This gentleman, visit ENT doctor with dysphoni. Laser , trancutaneus approach given 10 times.

He reported , that he easily climb the 2 stories stair without cought his breath. He felt more fit.

He went back to Bangka , happily!!

Now, we try to help Henny. A girl from Serang , 19th years old. Dysphoni since two years ago.

I asked her to enhance her lung capacity, using incentive spirometry.

ILIB will be given 10 times.

I will report the result

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