Saturday, March 29, 2008

plexus lumbosacral

The lumbar plexus is a nervous plexus in the lumbar region of the body. It is formed by the loops of communication between the anterior divisions of the first three and the greater part of the fourth lumbar nerves; the first lumbar often receives a branch from the last thoracic nerve.

It is situated in the posterior part of the Psoas major, in front of the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebræ.


The lumbar plexus differs from the brachial plexus in not forming an intricate interlacement, but the several nerves of distribution arise from one or more of the spinal nerves, in the following manner: the first lumbar nerve, frequently supplemented by a twig from the last thoracic, splits into an upper and lower branch; the upper and larger branch divides into the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves; the lower and smaller branch unites with a branch of the second lumbar to form the genitofemoral nerve.

The remainder of the second lumbar nerve, and the third and fourth lumbar nerves, divide into ventral and dorsal divisions.

The ventral division of the second lumbar nerve unites with the ventral divisions of the third and fourth lumbar nerves to form the obturator nerve.

The dorsal divisions of the second and third nerves divide

Division Name Source Target
Main Iliohypogastric nerve 1 L. Skin over the lateral gluteal region and above the pubis [1]
Main Ilioinguinal nerve 1 L. Skin over the root of the penis and upper part of the scrotum (male), skin covering the mons pubis and labium majus (female)
Main Genitofemoral nerve 1, 2 L. Genital Branch: Cremaster muscle, skin of scrotum/labia majora Femoral Branch: Skin on anterior thigh
Dorsal Lateral femoral cutaneous 2, 3 L. Skin on the lateral part of the thigh
Ventral Obturator nerve (and Accessory obturator nerve, when present) 2, 3, 4 L. Medial compartment of thigh
Dorsal Femoral nerve 2, 3, 4 L. Anterior compartment of thigh
Ventral Lumbosacral trunk 4, 5L., 1, 2, 3, 4 S. Sacral plexus

into two branches, a smaller branch from each uniting to form the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, and a larger branch from each joining with the dorsal division of the fourth nerve to form the femoral nerve.

The accessory obturator, when it exists, is formed by the union of two small branches given off from the third and fourth nerves.


Anonymous said...

wah RM menarik ya dok.. perpaduan dari banyak bidang ^_^
Sayang di Bandung (UNPAD) belum ada PPDS RM, (hiks..) kalau ada kayanya saya langsung daftar deh! pengeennn =p

Kira2 ada kemungkinan UNPAD bakal buka ga ya? Soalnya ribet kalau harus ke UI.. walaupun dah ada TOL Cipularang, hehe

dr. Nury Nusdwinuringtyas, SpRM, M.Epid said...

UNPAD ada, meskipun = anak asu UI, sebentar lagi mandiri. Silahkan berkunjung ke Departemen Rehab RSHS